Get to know EMC DZ

At EMC D&Z, our work is rooted in our four foundational values – safety, diversity, integrity and success— and grounded by our promise, “We do what we say.®” They serve as a steady guide for the company as we continually take on new challenges, new responsibilities and new roles.

To us, these values are more than words. We live them every day. Today marks the end of our employee spotlight series - read on to learn more about Jacqueline Raver, Business Development Coordinator and our company promise!

When did you join EMC? I joined the team in May 2019, and recently celebrated my 4-year anniversary with the company. I was brought on as a Contract Coordinator, assisting the Bid's & Proposal Department & acting Office Admin. After two years in that role, I transitioned to Executive Assistant, which allowed me to learn every angle of our business. I now hold the title of Business Development Coordinator and am excited to be a part of the growth of our company!

Personally, and/or professionally, what does ‘We do what we say’ mean to you? For me, 'we do what we say' speaks to our integrity. It highlights the honesty, trust, and transparency our team delivers to our customer each day. The weight placed on this value within our organization is frankly, refreshing. I am proud to work for a company that holds the value of integrity to such a high standard.


How do you ‘do what you say’ every day? I keep my word. If I say I am going to do something, I make sure I follow through on it. Always keep your promises, and if you can’t, don’t make them.


How do you observe others doing what they say across EMC D&Z? Our team holds one another accountable; there is an action/owner/due date for all deliverables. Constant communication and action tracking helps to keep our team sharp, ensuring our commitments are completed on time, and on budget.

Anna Lennox