Get to know EMC DZ

At EMC D&Z, our work is rooted in our four foundational values – safety, diversity, integrity and success— and grounded by our promise, “We do what we say.®” They serve as a steady guide for the company as we continually take on new challenges, new responsibilities and new roles.

To us, these values are more than words. We live them every day. This week, our employee spotlight presents Brianna Beers, who shares her thoughts on diversity. Thank you for your contribution, Brianna!

Next week, we’ll share the final edition of our Corporate Values Employee Spotlight!

When did you join EMC? I began working as an affiliate of EMC in January of 2018 as a Payroll Clerk, permanently joining the EMC team after a short year. Since then, I have delved deeper into the financial workings and processes of the company, taking on the role of Finance and Accounting Analyst. 

Personally, and/or professionally, what does diversity mean to you? Beyond common definitions of diversity, to me, our efforts to move towards diversity lack merit unless accompanied by equity. It is a matter of creating a diverse workforce with an equal opportunity for all members to excel.


How do you experience diversity every day? It is empowering to be part of a movement where stigmatized voices are becoming stronger and louder, but we still have a far way to come. Working to break down barriers, in both big and small ways, can have a great deal of influence on how systems and processes are developed. Each day I try to create an inclusive environment for my peers inside and outside of work. 


How do you observe diversity across EMC D&Z? I consider EMC to be a diverse work environment built on a collective of fresh and unique perspectives. This allows our teams to be agile and dynamic and I’m immensely proud to be surrounded by this talented group.

Anna Lennox